Tuesday 4 December 2012

Potato Head: Bali

     One of the nights that we were in Bali, we went to this restaurant called Potato Head. It was very fancy and right on the ocean. All of us girls wore dresses, also because we were planning on going out after eating. When we got there, there was a huge line of people waiting to get in. Good thing we had made a reservation. We were able to get right in. I should have known that it was going to be expensive, but wow! It's Bali, so I guess I shouldn't have expected it to be cheap. I ordered a drink, which probably cost me about $10 (US), and a meal that cost me about $20 (US). I tried to find something affordable, but good on the menu. I ended up getting a sandwich, which was delicious. I was happy to know that I was getting a good meal for what I was paying for it. We sat around and talked, before we moved to the lower part of the bar. They had an area that had a pool in this beach club. If you wanted to sit on a couch, you had to rent it for like $50 (US)!! We definitely didn't want to do that, so we went and found some seats over by the bar.
     It was dark already so we decided to go and check out the ocean. I could not believe it! It was so beautiful at night. I was standing in the Indian Ocean in Bali at night. We played around in the water, took some pictures and just enjoyed our time. The air was fresh, and you could see the moon and the stars in the sky. It was so much different than being in Jakarta at night. I had never appreciated being able to see the stars and the moon as much as I did then.

     As we walked back up to the beach club, there was a small stream of water flowing through where you would wash the sand from your feet. We went and sat back down at our seats, and ordered a few drinks. We met a couple of Australians that decided to come and talk to us. I can't remember their names, but they were interesting. They were in Bali for the holiday, which was not surprising. It is the place to be for the Australians. They invited us to a party that they were going to later and we thought, why not? They decided to get up and start talking to some other people and then they never came back. Oh well, we decided we were going to do our own thing. We decided to leave and find another place to go out. 
     We had to take two cabs, because some of the others went back to the hotel to get money. Danna and I took one together and we got a little lost. We were dropped off in the wrong spot, which is another story that isn't really worth telling. Anyway, Danna and I had to try and ask people for directions to get to where we were going. We didn't want to pay to take a cab again, because we were so close to where we needed to be. I programmed the address of where we were supposed to be going into my phone and we started to walk. I don't know how much I will listen to my GPS on my phone again. It took us down some dark backstreets that I probably would not have been safe walking on by myself. I felt a little scared walking even with Danna. We passed a lot of Magic Mushroom places where guys sitting around outside tried to get our attention. We just kept on going. Finally, we made it to where we needed to be to meet up with the others.
     The bar was called The Tavern. It had really good music, and when we got there, they were having a drink special going on. You could buy a whole water bottle of a mixer. It was buy 1, get one free. We ended up paying about $3.50/water bottle. Not bad at all. They played all of the same music that would be played at any club/bar in America. We had some sketchy guys come up and start dancing with us, and we tried to get rid of them. It wasn't working very well, so we just left the dance floor until they went away. After awhile, there weren't very many people on the dance floor, so we got our whole group, plus some others that we didn't know to make a circle and start dancing. We all took turns going in the middle and dancing. It was so funny. We got so many people to join our circle, and it lasted for quite awhile. 
     When it was time to leave it was not too hard to find a cab. They are pretty much driving around everywhere waiting to pick people up. A lot of people will stay out until the sun comes up in Bali, but we went home at a fairly decent time. We were all pretty tired and ready to go home around 2:30 am. The bar was starting to clear out, and we didn't feel like going anywhere else. I will say that I did enjoy my night out in Bali. 

     One of our last nights in Bali, everyone decided to go out to the clubs/bars as a last hurrah before going home. Unfortunately, I didn't feel well. I don't know what it was. I don't know if it was something I ate, or if I was just tired, but I was not going to make it. I showered, got dressed up and everything, but I did not feel up to going by the time everyone was ready. I went straight to bed at 9 pm, and was woken up by everyone when they came home. The only thing I remember hearing was one of the girls saying, "Oh my gosh! I have a whistle in my purse!" I had no idea what she was talking about, but I went back to sleep. Of course I did find out the story behind the whistles. Apparently some Australians had these whistles at the bar and they were being annoying by blowing them to the music. Well, I guess my friends would go up to them and dance with them and steal the whistles from around their necks. My friend was proud that she was able to steal one and bring it back to the hotel with her. Haha. I guess I missed out. 
     I still had an amazing time in Bali, even though I didn't feel well that last night. I probably needed the rest anyway. 

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