Tuesday 4 December 2012

Padang Padang Beach and Uluwatu: Bali

     We decided to check out the temple, Uluwatu in Bali. We were told that the best time to go is at sunset to watch the traditional dance that they have there every night. We knew there was a beach nearby, so we decided to chill there for the day while waiting. It was a little ways from our hotel, so we took a taksi there. The guy dropped us off, and we weren't really sure where we were going. We found the stairs that took us down to the beach. We had to walk through a tight space between two rocks to get down to the beach. It was pretty neat. Of course, people were trying to fit through the tunnel more than one person at a time and it just wasn't working too well. We had to stop quite often to let someone through. 
     When we got down to the beach, we saw lots of vendors that were selling t-shirts, sarongs, and food. We hadn't eaten lunch yet, so we checked out the places while walking by. We walked around for a little bit trying to find a place to set our towels where we could save spots for the rest of our friends that were supposed to be coming. Little did we know, they got dropped off in a different spot of the beach and we never found them. We thought the beach was small because it was surrounded by a lot of large "rocks". I guess there were other parts that you could go to, but you couldn't swim there. We were able to swim at the area we were in. I couldn't believe how clear the water was. You could see right to the bottom! It was kind of tricky walking out to the water, because there were lots of rocks. You had to try and find a good spot, or just swim, so you didn't hurt your feet. We relaxed on the beach for quite awhile before we left to go to the temple.

     It was impossible for us to find a taksi to get to the temple. We would find one, and this guy would send it away! We were so mad. We found out that the beach had it's own transport that you had to pay for to go to Uluwatu. Of course, they would send taksis away. We even tried to call a taksi and they told us that they wouldn't come to that beach and pick us up. I guess if you wanted a taksi, you needed to walk away from the beach and find one. Anyway, we took the beach transport, which was only one way.
     When we got to the temple, they made us all put on a wrap because of the clothes that we were wearing. We were all in our swimming suits with just shorts and tank tops on. You have to be dressed properly to go into the temple. Sadly, the sunset dance was sold out, but the view of the sun going down was amazing. It was like you were watching the sun sink into the ocean. After the sun was completely down, we walked around the temple and checked it out. The others had left already since they missed the dance. I think they were all getting tired, but they missed an amazing view of the sunset. There were monkeys at this temple as well, but not nearly as many as there were in Monkey Forest. 

     Luckily, when we went to leave, we found a taksi. I guess you were supposed to have your taksi driver sit and wait for you while you tour the temple. Well, we didn't have one to begin with so we couldn't do that. The driver was a really nice guy. He said, "I just knew there would be some girls looking for a taksi, so I just stayed." Haha. We're lucky that he did. There was a traffic jam (macet in Bahasa) on the way home, so it took us awhile. We didn't really mind since we were in no hurry. 

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