Monday 1 October 2012

Bali: Seminyak Beach

     We went to the beach multiple times while we were in Bail. It was amazing!! I was so excited to be at the Indian Ocean :) The water was so nice, and actually clean. When we first got there, we walked along the beach trying to find everyone else that was already there. When we found them, we had people coming up to us right away asking us if we wanted to rent beach chairs?! So strange. Who would have thought you would ever have to pay to sit in a chair for a couple of hours. We ended up paying about $5 US for two hours.
     The water was a little chilly at first, but once you got in, it was just fine. It wasn't nearly as cold as when I was in the Atlantic Ocean in April (brrr!!!). We decided to fight with the waves that were coming in. Haha, one of them actually knocked me over and I went underwater for awhile. The guys were out farther than us jumping in the waves too. I was not brave enough to go out as far as them. I didn't want the water going quite so far over my head. I couldn't believe how strong the waves are. You can't stand up when they hit you. There were lots of shells, but none of us collected any.
     While laying on our beach chairs, you had to watch out for the people that would walk by and try to sell you things. They would try and sell you food, clothes, jewelry, sunglasses, etc. If they walked by and you told them no, they would still keep asking you. Some of them were pretty aggressive. They really wanted you to buy something from them. A couple of the girls did end up buying a couple of sarongs from a lady. They were actually very pretty, and I wished that I would have gotten one. Oh well, I found one that I bought later on.
The Indian Ocean :) 

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